Sunday, August 15, 2010

Lost Weekends

One of the things we've noticed since Emmett arrived is how much faster time seems to be going. I guess Jen and I (yes, it's me, Newlin, writing this. Surprise!) both assumed somehow that having a kid was going to slow things down a bit, make us appreciate moments even more. While the "appreciating every moment" thing is true, it sure seems like time is going even faster. While I'm at work, things crawl to a stop, it feels like I'm in meetings forevvvverrrrr, and I can't wait to get home. But as soon as I'm home, someone hits fast forward and the hours whip past.

The weekends are just like that. I swear, I just pulled into the driveway 5 minutes ago and suddenly it's mid-Sunday already. I guess it doesn't help that there's always 50 things to try and accomplish every weekend. Today's surprise? An overflowing dishwasher. Arggh. That's going to eat up at least a couple hours. The one benefit of our new fast forward time traveling is that in just a couple days, Emmett will be big enough so that *he* can fix the dishwasher.

1 comment:

  1. For the record, I *think* I've fixed the dishwasher, but somehow broke the internet while trying to secure it from neighborly wifi leaching. That'll be a Monday night adventure to try and repair! On the plus side, Emmett did really well withe our dinner guests, saving his poopnami attack until AFTER they left.
