Tuesday, March 1, 2011

The Science of (Lack of) Sleep

Month 9- The kid is on a new kick of waking up at least once in the night, crying almost inconsolably until Jen comes in and nurses him. We're sure it's a combo of his new teeth coming in plus the fact that he's decided that drinking from a bottle is B.S.

Where is the quiet little lump that used to fall asleep fuss free at 7:30 and sleep straight through till at least 6 am? It's actually not TOO bad, but man, as a guy who's accustomed to a nice night's sleep, it's a little rough. I never understood movies where the hero or heroine would go off on a full night adventure, never once feeling the effects of sleep deprivation. If it was me, the world would be doomed because I would try and catch a nap on the park bench while the villain read the Necronomicon down the block.

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