Time is flying. Suddenly we have this little kid in our house. Full of opinions and preferences. Testing the limits of what he can and can't do. "No" is looked at as a challenge. Emotions are constantly changing. He can quickly go from full belly laughs to rolling on the floor screaming and crying because you picked up a box of crackers. Biting and pinching are still an issue.. and now with some added hitting. At least he is starting to realize when he does it and sometimes stops himself. If he doesn't stop himself usually a loud "OW!" will stop him, and he seems to feel bad and wants to talk about it when he knows he hurt you. We're working on it.
He has changed physically so much, too. I'm shocked to see the rollie pollie little baby he used to be. He's stretched out and doesn't have the full cheeks he used to. His mouth is full of teeth, He has more hair (that is usually wild by being filled with food, or sunscreen) His legs are stronger and he's walking and running around so well now. He loves to play chase.
He loves music. Dancing to it, playing it on the "tar", singing songs... mostly ones that involve baby bees and bitsy spiders. His nightly routine now involves rocking in the rocker, singing a few songs, playing with the ladybug light, drinking water from his sippy cup, chewing on his blanket and then "Ni ni".
So many words. Emmett wants to name everything. We are constantly shocked at how many words he remembers and repeats. He loves to talk and it seems like there is a constant dialog going on.
We are trying to keep the TV watching down. I'm trying to not even have the TV on for him during the week, tho some mornings or evenings when he is in a bad mood I'll have it on for a little bit. We went through some sick days where he watched a lot of TV and it seems like the more he sees it the more he wants to see it, so keeping it to a minimum is best. He loves Elmo and Curious George as well as the good ol' Lawrence Welk show. The other night we let him watch the LW Halloween special. I always thought it was the dancing and costumes that he liked, but he gets so excited to see the band play. That night he needed to drag out the "tar" to play along.
Other things he loves.... Garbage day "TRUCKS", naming body parts, entertaining guests, Beans, CHEESE, Wawa water (drinking it, playing in it), Outside, Pumpkins, Airplanes, Choo Choo, Moon, Balls, his little table and chair, Books, Pancakes, Bananas, Babies .. (talking about babies, looking at pictures of babies on phones, computers, cameras.. the kindle), horses, dogs, cats, giving hugs and kisses and saying "hello" and "bu bye" to everyone he sees. Of course Mama and Dada are on that list as well (usually whoever is not is site is the most important person.)
It's so exciting to see the little boy he is becoming.. at the same time I want to hold on to the little baby he used to be. It all goes so fast and I'm not ready to let go of all things baby.
It's really crazy to see how fast his last developmental leap has gone. I look at videos from just 8 weeks ago when he was just barely tottering around the house, and now he's full on running and getting around with relatively no problems. And yes, he is FULL of opinions.