Thursday, June 30, 2011

getting ready for some real adventure


I have to say a lot of our life this last year hasn't been so much about adventure outside the house, it's been about the big, life changing adventure of life (inside the house) with a baby.  But now we are getting ready to take the next step, to go out into the world with this baby. I'm terrified.  I shouldn't be, but I am.

We have 2 trips coming up.  A weekend driving adventure and then a long week, 4 hours by plane adventure.  I am actually dreading the car trip more.    The plane there are people (which he loves) and we can pay attention to him, let him walk a little, distract him with treats and toys. The car he faces the back of the car and he's strapped in .. for 4 hours.  The horror... the horror. It's the trial run.  It might be scary, but I'm glad we have it.  We'll get an idea on the things we need to bring and things we don't need to bring along with us on the plane.   Will he be OK sleeping in new places.  Will we figure out the important parts of our routines?  What can slide, what can not.  Hopefully this will all make the longer trip go a lot smoother.

I know I can't plan everything, but I am trying to be as prepared as I can.  I want to streamline so we aren't bringing unnecessary things, but also have the important things so we're not buying all those things we forgot.

The research has started

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

FF week2

Slowing down already?  only .4 of a pound down this time.  Sigh, This IS going to take a while.  Still it's going in the right direction.. and right now that's all I can ask for.  It's frustrating to not be able to control when I eat.. or if I can get in any exercise at all.  I know in time it will come back, but for now I see all these things that I'd like to do.. or things that need to get done and there is nothing I can do about it.  The problem with when I eat is I get SO hungry if I wait too long.  I get dizzy, shakey, grumpy, tired.. then maybe I eat too much.. or not enough, eat too late (right before bed), which I hear is bad to do.. It upsets your sleep.  My sleep needs no more upsetting.

But what can I do?

I can  put some weekly meal plans together, so thinking of things to make for the week and shopping will be easier.  It might get a little old cycling through the same plans over and over, but I'm sure I can come up with enough of them that it wont seem too bad.  In the meal plans I will try to plan for leftovers.. either made into something new or else just night 2 of the same thing, which we don't seem to have a problem with.  As much prep that can be done on the weekends the better.
....  I'll get right on that...

I suppose to keep myself from getting too hungry, I need to think about snacks, work them in at the right times.  Have them actually available and ready to just grab and eat easily while I am feeding the kid/feeding the cats/unloading his bags/making his lunch for the next day/beginning dinner prep.  Or if dinner is leftovers.. maybe some nights I can just eat with the kid (not that he lets me do much of that)

Exercise.. it's crazy how much I miss the work out until you are sweaty workouts.  But, there is no time for that. Not right now.  I guess I'll have to just try to get in more walks.  During the days for lunch, on the weekend.. try to figure out how to fit it in at night (I like the thought of that.. but it hasn't been easy.. just when will I actually make and eat dinner?... 11PM?)

Blahh  boring boring boring... I feel like so much of my life these days is about things I can't or shouldn't do.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Salad Days are Here Again

Yep, we're on the Weight Watchers, or as I like to call them "Calorietologists". One week down and I've lost 2.5 pounds, which is great, but this all depends on my two least favorite things: Being hungry, and tracking details.

BAHHHHH. Still, I'm glad to be doing it to try and shed a few pounds. I just wish I could get in some exercise too, but the job is a bit of a time suck.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

FF week 1

So one week and one pound down!  One pound?  Oh yeah, this is going to take a while.  I suppose it's not bad, really.  That being only watching my eating and not working out.  Plus - the weeks add up and if I can keep up with one a week, things will be great.

I'm still getting the hang of this tracking thing and trying to figure out portions.  I think with more practice weighing and measuring at home it will get easier.

What is starting to sink in, is the thought that this never ends.  Of course the goal is to change the way you eat, so that you aren't always having to think about it and track every little thing .. but really eating the way I imagine myself eating in the future is the difficult part.  Sure when it is part of a project it isn't too hard to pass up the treats.. or cutting myself off when I really don't want to.  It's sort of fun to test yourself or work towards a goal.  But I can already see as the weeks go on, it's going to be harder to be as focused as I am right now.

One thing that might help stay on track is to come up with some weekly routines &  some EASY staple recipes that we can make during the week.  Maybe making a large salad on Sunday to last us a few days into the week, so we alway have a veg ready.  I'm finding dinners during the week to be really difficult.  There is just too much to do with the baby as soon as I get home.  He doesn't leave me any time to prep for dinner.  Then by the time he's in bed I am starving and want something that can be ready as soon as possible with very little energy to make.  Frozen pizza has been a go to these days, but seeing the point value on those.. they need to be used less.  That doesn't mean we can't make one every now and then with some of those salads we will have ready. 

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Newlins go on a diet

OK - ok... so it's time to get back to watching what I eat.  I thought once Emmett was born, I wouldn't worry about things for a while.  After being SO restricted while I was pregnant I even thought I'd let myself go a little nuts if that's what I wanted.. and OH... I wanted!  Plus there were so many new baby things to think about, I didn't have time to focus on what I was putting into my mouth (that's what she said)... but now a YEAR and 8 pounds later, I guess it's time to get that focus back.  I know things are going to be slow going. There just isn't enough time in the day to really get the exercise in that I need.  For now I'll try to mainly focus on what I am eating.

I thought one of the best ways to do that was to join the weight watchers group at work.  The thought of being so public about it sort of creeps me out, but if I am going to be real about it.. then I might as well not hide it. Having the weekly check-ins and a "plan" will hopefully give me the push I need to focus.  I do well with projects, so for now my project is tracking what I eat.  I forced Newlin to join me in this project.  If I'm going public.. so is he!  Maybe by the time we go to New York we will be looking all fancy in some new, smaller clothes.

The toughest part is going to be portions.  Unless I am measuring everything out, I have a tough time guessing how much something is.  How much salad dressing did I just pour on?  How much peanut butter did I just use?  I tend to think I don't put a lot on... but is that true?  I can measure and weigh things at home, which is what I'll try to do... but what about work?  Do I have a set of measuring cups and spoons here too?  Do I want to be that crazy person?

Exercise is another tough one.. and I honestly don't know how I will fit much in.  But my blood pressure is telling me I really need to find a way to fit it in.  It's time to bring back the lunch time walks when we can.  I'm also going to TRY to get in a couple week night walks with Emmett now that it is staying lighter later in the evenings.  Maybe we'll plan a couple nights a week.. when we are eating leftovers so there is no cooking to worry about.  Get Emmett fed and bathed.. then pack him up in the stroller and head out for a walk.  If we are lucky he will fall asleep and all we have to do is chuck him in bed once we are home.

I suppose there is another element that I didn't really think of here.  We are also turning forty.  FORTY!!!!!  How the hell did that happen?  A couple health exams told me that it's not as easy to be in the all clear as is used to be.  For the first time ever I've had high blood pressure.  I had gestational diabetes.  These things are warnings.  I don't want to be one of those Moms who can't do things with their kid because their body can't handle it.  There are too many things in life that we still need to do!  We need to get out and see the world.  All that time when we were younger and had jobs to focus on and money to try to make, kept us for getting out on adventures.  It's time for adventures and I sure don't want health problems keeping me from doing the things we want to do.

So here we go.. Day one of the Fuck Forty Diet!

The weight watcher notes for this week said we should take some "before" photos.  I believe we may need to take some good ones!  Where's that lovely swimsuit I wore at the Madonna Inn?