Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Seasons are changing

Time is flying.  Suddenly we have this little kid in our house.  Full of opinions and preferences.  Testing the limits of what he can and can't do.  "No" is looked at as a challenge.  Emotions are constantly changing.  He can quickly go from full belly laughs to rolling on the floor screaming and crying because you picked up a box of crackers. Biting and pinching are still an issue.. and now with some added hitting.  At least he is starting to realize when he does it and sometimes stops himself.  If he doesn't stop himself usually a loud "OW!" will stop him, and he seems to feel bad and wants to talk about it when he knows he hurt you.  We're working on it.

He has changed physically so much, too.  I'm shocked to see the rollie pollie little baby he used to be.  He's stretched out and doesn't have the full cheeks he used to.  His mouth is full of teeth, He has more hair (that is usually wild by being filled with food, or sunscreen)  His legs are stronger and he's walking and running around so well now.  He loves to play chase.

He loves music.  Dancing to it, playing it on the "tar", singing songs... mostly ones that involve baby bees and bitsy spiders.  His nightly routine now involves rocking in the rocker, singing a few songs, playing with the ladybug light, drinking water from his sippy cup, chewing on his blanket and then "Ni ni".

So many words.  Emmett wants to name everything.  We are constantly shocked at how many words he remembers and repeats.  He loves to talk and it seems like there is a constant dialog going on.

We are trying to keep the TV watching down.  I'm trying to not even have the TV on for him during the week, tho some mornings or evenings when he is in a bad mood I'll have it on for a little bit.  We went through some sick days where he watched a lot of TV and it seems like the more he sees it the more he wants to see it, so keeping it to a minimum is best.  He loves Elmo and Curious George as well as the good ol' Lawrence Welk show.  The other night we let him watch the LW Halloween special.  I always thought it was the dancing and costumes that he liked, but he gets so excited to see the band play.  That night he needed to drag out the "tar" to play along.

Other things he loves....  Garbage day "TRUCKS", naming body parts, entertaining guests, Beans, CHEESE, Wawa water (drinking it, playing in it), Outside, Pumpkins, Airplanes, Choo Choo, Moon, Balls, his little table and chair, Books, Pancakes, Bananas, Babies .. (talking about babies, looking at pictures of babies on phones, computers, cameras.. the kindle), horses, dogs, cats, giving hugs and kisses and saying "hello" and "bu bye" to everyone he sees.   Of course Mama and Dada are on that list as well (usually whoever is not is site is the most important person.)

It's so exciting to see the little boy he is becoming.. at the same time I want to hold on to the little baby he used to be.  It all goes so fast and I'm not ready to let go of all things baby.

Monday, September 26, 2011

The Dreaded Final Weaning Step

501 days

The end is finally here.
Saturday it was decided to be the end of nursing.  While I could tell that things were winding down, I expected some resistance to going to bed without nursing.  What I didn't expect was for Emmett to say "nigh nigh" and roll over in his bed and go to sleep.  That was it.... 

That was it!?!  After all the pain and tears, the sleepless nights, the hours of being hooked up to that evil machine - pumping, the months of spending every lunch at daycare, the horrible bras, the sticky lanolin and breast pads, feeling so burnt out and tired, the teeth .. Urgh the terrible milk blister that lasted for 5 months!  It was so, SO difficult.   So this end feels.... odd.....  but nice?  

I suppose that means it was the right time.  

A battle would have made me feel guilty and sad.  This might be a little anticlimactic, but I am left feeling.. I don't know.... successful.

.. and maybe a little sad that my tiny, baby bear cub doesn't need me the same way anymore.

I can't believe I actually saw this to it's natural end.

Friday, September 16, 2011

MN trip highlights PART 2

Before we headed back to the Twin Cities, we walked around Duluth a bit more before getting back into the car for a long ride.  It seemed to work.  Emmett got to get a little energy out so he took a pretty good nap on the way home.  I think his favorite thing to do was throw rocks into the lake.

Meanwhile, I stood in the windy walkway trying to keep the stroller from blowing out into the lake. Also, in Duluth, I think I could be a model!

On to Hotel room # 2.  Another Residence Inn.  This one didn't feel as nice as the first one, but it was still nice.  Turns out Handicap rooms are a lot easier to childproof.  Emmett was excited to see another Pack-n-Play.. and wanted to play the "nigh nigh" game again.

It wasn't as nice a room, but the people that worked there were INSANELY nice. Even the janitor woman was super cheery and cooed all over Emmett. Now that I think of it, I didn't see one male worker there. So maybe it was kinda creepy, like a Wicker Man type colony of female hotel workers, there to harvest kidneys. Or not. I also saw the entire Dairy Princess entourage in the lobby. If I had been more quick thinking, I woulda had them sign something. Like a Land O Lakes box.

That night we just chilled in the room, eating peanut butter sandwiches watching Elmo videos.  Hoping to get some re-packing done and some sleep before our big day at the fair.



Things learned at the fair.  Tiny Tim Donuts are not as good as Tom Thumb (duh).  The Poncho Pup beats the Pronto Pup (an upset)  Kiwanis Malt shop just may be better than the Dairy building. (how did we completely miss the dairy building?)  Sweet Martha's Cookies doesn't make the cut when you really are not hungry (and you want to save your points for more important things like beer)  Who knew... Brian loves Lefse so much.  Too bad he never met my Grandma Ann.  As soon as she would have learned he loved lefse, she would have made it for him EVERY time she saw him.

Oh man, I am obsessed with the lefse. Sigh. I think the worst thing I ate was the Big Fat Bacon, it was just a letdown of chewy bacon meat. I guess the name should've warned me. I do wish I had tried a couple more things like the Minneapolis Pie.

I think the fair was a hit with Emmett.  He did get tired and really didn't get to walk around as much as he would have liked, which caused the occasional grump, but overall he was really good. This trip to the fair a bit more of a "highlights" tour.  Quick trips through buildings, favorite foods.. We might not have spent as much time in places that I would have really liked, but we got a good feel of the whole fair.  I'm excited to take Emmett back when he is a bit older.  We were joined by Andre & Kim and the Kafkaseseses.  Once again, so great to see them.

Sad we missed the Giant Slide.

I know!  I think we thought of it on our way out the gate.

Our last night we stayed in the hotel.  Picked up some salads and a Turkey sandwich for Emmett, which he seemed to enjoy.  We packed, showered.. played "nigh nigh" and headed to bed early to get up even earlier to get to the airport.  (I of course didn't sleep more than a couple hours... sigh)

It all went so quick. And it was ungodly early to get up and get ready, hahah. 

Apparently, when we are tired and looking at a 4 hour flight with Emmett.. That first class upgrade is too good to pass up.  It was great.  I was pretty nervous about it.  Before we had gone on this trip I was reading about how to keep kids entertained on planes.. and ran into a lot of things about how babies should not be allowed in first class.  I imagined everyone being pissed at us.  But, it did help (the Baileys coffees didn't hurt either)  There was so much more room.  Emmett was able to sleep pretty well, and he was easier to wrangle (and walk around when he needed)  Totally worth the price.  I suppose it will be our last for a long time.  I think the next time we go on a flight we'll have to buy him a ticket so no more first class. We should have eaten 5 breakfast sandwiches and drank a lot more.

Upgrading to first class might have been the best decision I've made this year. The flight attendant coming by with the boozy coffee and the extra space was worth it. Yes, I wish I had eaten more! The worst thing, to me, about the whole flight experience was lugging around all the stuff. That stroller almost killed me!U

All in all I'd say it was a good trip.  At times it was like pulling off a bandaid.  A little painful, but something we needed to do.  Now that we have this trip under our belt the next one will be so much easier (I hope).  Emmett was a trooper.  He traveled really well for a little guy.  If he didn't have to be wrangled and strapped down so much (car seats, strollers) he would have been much happier.  I think if we keep it up, he'll be able to travel really well when he's a bit older.  For me it's always a little bittersweet to go back to MN.  There are things I miss and things I am glad to be very far away from.  Going back reminds me of the life we used to have.  In some ways that life made me happier... in other ways this life makes me happier.  I wish there was a way to have both.

I miss Minneapolis like crazy. But I have no idea if we could ever move back, no fantasy transition ever make a whole lot of sense. I agree that we should keep doing trips as Em gets older, it was great watching him in new places and meeting people!

Thursday, September 15, 2011

The Elephant in the Bathroom

I only heard the laughing from the bathroom, but apparently, while Emmett was taking his bath, he stood up in the tub, looked down at his weiner, raised his arm over his head and uttered his impression of an elephant noise, and started to pee. Then he giggled.

That's my boy.

Monday, August 29, 2011

MN trip highlights PART 1

(Brian) - Of course, the night before we left, we started feeling sick. Not sure if it was a head cold, or symptoms from catching Em's hoof and mouth disease, but we were pretty miserable on the Friday flight.

(Jen) - I jinxed myself by making a joke that I would wake up at midnight and not be able to sleep the rest of the night... I of course woke up at 12:30 and didn't get back to sleep.  This flight was going to SUCK.

Emmett did fairly well on the plane. He got fussy once in a while and wanted to get down and walk, but the distractions of the wrapped toys, the laptop loaded with Elmo, and the 2 teenage girls behind us helped him get through. (I think Jen's reactions to his occasional crying stressed me out more than him, hahaha)

In my defense I will say that I was the one who was wrestling the little bear cub for most of the flight.  I felt like crap, hadn't slept, the flight was full and crowed, then I had to expose myself in public to nurse Em (uncomfortable for me .. as well as the stress that knowing some people have a very big problem with breastfeeding in public) Then always having to watch that Emmett didn't kick the seat in front (which was way closer than I expected) or chuck something at someone's head.  Once he fell asleep I had to sit in a very uncomfortable position  so I wouldn't wake him up.  Also keep his feet in the seat so the carts wouldn't bump him.   Most of the time the look on my face was a desperate look for help that (at the time) I didn't feel like I was getting a lot of... 

In MN we drive a fancy mini van!  Emmett also found sitting forward to be awesome.  He was so good in the car (for short trips)

Emmett loves hotel rooms! He went crazy for every new place we stayed. It was a scramble to secure all cupboards, lamps, cords, phones, etc.

I love hotel rooms with a kitchen and a separate bedroom!  We will always try to do this while Em is little.   I was worried he wouldn't like the hotel pack and play.. but as soon as he saw it he was so excited to go "nigh nigh".. which was more of a game of sitting inside playing pee-a-boo.  Wish we could have spent some time in the awesome pool!  I guess we know for next time, when Emmett will be a bit older.

The party was a hit. We found the park and waited for Reva.. and waited and waited. I finally decided I had to pee, so I walked to the bathroom. Of COURSE, as I started back, Andy pulled up and they started to walk to the pavilion. I did my best sneaky lurk behind them until they made it to the tables and everyone yelled surprise, which Reva didn't understand for a moment or two.

It was fun to see and say hello to a lot of family I haven't seen in a long time.  Of course there is never enough time to really talk to anyone.  I really miss the days of spending a good chunk of time with some of them.  As much as I dread some of the family fun.. I really do miss a lot of those people.  A lot of my favorite childhood memories involve a lot of them, and it makes me more aware of how far away we are.  I'm sad that Emmett wont have the same sort of relationships with his Grandparents, Cousins, Aunts and Uncles that I did.

Emmet LOVED Nancy Lee. Simon... not so much. There was a lot of competition between those 2 meatheads for attention and toys.

Bald eagle flying over my parents house!

We drove around Minneapolis to see all the old spots. Everything seemed so different, but we were still nostalgic.

This trip to Mpls was weird.  I felt like a tourist.  Things have changed so much it was a strange mix of the familiar and a whole new city.  The first time I didn't always know where i was.  This time it didn't feel like "home" and I found myself a little jealous of some of the great new things.  It is easy to imagine what life would be like there.

We drank way too much Dunn Brothers.

We drank the perfect amount.

Getting together with Kelly, Mike, Andre, Kim and the kids, the Kafkases, was amazing. We miss them so much. Emmett was insane and did his best to entertain everyone. Again, it was tough for him to share toys with Clara, but he still had fun. He cried and cried when we finally had to leave.

The visit with the gang was great.  The first time I have actually been comfortable while at someone's house with Emmett.  We took turns walking him around, watched that he played nice and didn't get too bullied.  But he had fun with the kids.. and the adults.  Everyone understood and it was just.. easy.  Like it has always been easy with them.  Just hanging out.  I so so miss that.

The drive to Duluth was ok. Jen's dad needed a lot of wrangling. The house was decent, and had an amazingly neat little path through the yard to the beach.. which was a huge trap set by the mosquitoes to drain the blood of dumb tourists.

The first day of the family trip was rough.  I just about lost it with all of my Dad's "I'm not going to go... you don't want me to go... OK, I'm going to go... I'm not going".  I could tell my Mom was really stressed out.  I wasn't sure if springing this on her was a good idea.  Andy was good about just taking care of things with my Dad.  Big bottle of bourbon... Andy will just remove it.  Emmett wasn't so happy to be riding in the car.  I kept him busy with snacks and Elmo videos.  The plane was a good lesson on how to just always keep him busy.  Apparently if you want to keep my Dad happy on a car trip, just stop at every rest stop and Mc Donalds for a burger.  The house was fine.. not totally what I expected.  I had hoped we had better water access.  The outside areas were not as hang out friendly as I had hoped.  Emmett could not be trusted on the deck and the back yard was mosquito CRAZY.  My ideal location would have been more up on the shore by split rock.  Quiet little cabins on the lake, (I had a fantasy about every one having their own cabin) but this might have been better for the little ones. (and the old one)  TV's were a good distraction (when someone could actually get them to work)

The giant marshmallows! The weird little fat man in the grocery store with the sausages!

Train museum.  Dad was much better on day 2.  The morning was rough.  I was up (again... like every night) for most of the night.  Emmett needed a lot of comforting.  He did OK in his tent bed, but he'd roll around so much and get caught up in the sides.  I had a mini meltdown in the morning because I was just so tired.  Once I showered and ate.. I felt much better.  Earthquake hits the East coast! Getting out of the house was good.  Too bad it was a rainy day, but it wasn't terrible.  We still got out for a walk.

Skip to the end... hook for a hand!

Nancy loved Emmett. He loved her back. Simon wanted to punch Emmett. Emmett wanted to bite Simon.

Watching that Simon didn't just take everything away from Emmett (or slug him or knock him down) was tough.  It added to all the things we needed to keep an eye on.  Hopefully when they get older they will get along.  I know he is only 2.5, but I was a little shocked that Simon really had NO interest in playing with Emmett.  Emmett finally had it and chopped down on Simon.  I don't really blame him, Simon was just making life as difficult as possible for him.  But, I still didn't want him to hurt Simon.   

Rick farts a lot.

... and you wonder why I don't think farts are funny

Did I mention Em loves hotel rooms?

Friday, August 12, 2011

The count down

1 week to go until our big trip!

So nervous.  I just have no idea what to expect.  

The last week was tough.  Teething has turned the little man into a little monster.  But the last two days he's been back to his ol' goofy self.. and I think "maybe it wont be so bad".  I know how one week it can all change.  Teeth can start back up.  I think we are only in the clear with one of them... 3 more to go.  Colds can pop up, ear infections... pink eye... hand, foot and mouth disease!  All things to turn our fun guy into the devil.  The devil who will make 4 hours on a plane the longest four hours ever known to man.

I keep reading about things you can do to make the plane trip better.  A lot has to do with paying off the people around you.  Buying drinks, bringing little gift bags of candy and ear plugs or coffee gift cards.  Seriously?  Do people expect this now? Babies are babies.  Unless the parents are completely ignoring them, I am pretty understanding that kids do what they do.  I want a gift card from that jackass with the bad gas and BO.  Or the person who keeps coughing  on me and hogging the arm rest.  (But he is my husband so I have to be happy with him getting me coffee some mornings... haha) With all the things I have to lug around to keep the baby happy, now I have to lug around things to make everyone else happy, too?

I am less worried about what to expect once we get there.  This trip is a little different than the last.  Family is different than childless friends.  If Emmett melts down around family.. oh well, If we need to cut thing short so he can take a nap or eat they will understand. I'm not keeping anyone from having a good time.  Or if I am... they can deal because they've kept me from good times plenty in my life :)

I'm excited to go to MN.  To introduce Emmett to everyone.  It seems so strange now that he is this HUGE part of our life.. and no one knows him.

So now the prep starts.  Seems like a long time to work on packing.. but  I know how motivated I am most nights at 9 p.m.  I better get most of it done this weekend.