Friday, February 11, 2011

The 4-5 week itch

It started. 

Last night I had my first attack of missing HGTV.  I blame Brian.  He sent a house listing that had my imagination running.  I started dreaming about kitchen renovations, family/movie rooms, landscaping and gardening, fruit trees (and what I would do with all that fruit), hot tubs, cozy patios, plus a guest cottage!  My mind starts racing over all the things I would do to make that house ours.  Not having the money to do any of this (let's not even think about the time) I started to think about HGTV as a way to see, not my own, but someone's projects completed.  I love before and afters, I love to think about what I liked and what I might do differently. 

People give HGTV a bad rap for convincing people that they have to be always remodeling, keeping things from being outdated... making them think that in order to buy a house.. or sell a house it has to have granite counter tops and stainless steel appliances!  Let's all run out to Lowes because ... OMG, our bathroom has 1950's pink tile!   Sure, some of that is true. But for me, there is something satisfying in seeing these project completed, to see inside of people's homes, to see how they live.  Maybe imagine what our lives would look like .. there, in that house, in that town, in that country.

I'm still thinking about the latest house Brain sent.. and all the previous houses that have gotten my imagination going.  I feel like I have all these ideas with no place to put them.   HGTV was a way to temporarily scratch that itch.

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